Weekly Engineering Competency Review #9

Weekly Engineering Competency Review #9

This post is part of my weekly engineering competency review series. At the end of each week, I publish a review of the notes I thought over the past week. My goal is to create a log where I can capture these insights for future me to review.

The competencies below are from CircleCI engineering competency matrix.

Driving alignment

The goal is to foster a culture within my team of having conversations based on organizational strategy and principles to create alignment. Strongly oriented towards goals and ensures their team is continuously working towards their goals.

What's Good

  • Started writing FE team wide OKRs

Last week, we started working on writing OKRs for the frontend team and presented the first version in our company all-hands. The goal of the FE team wide OKR sheet is to make sure that the projects we are working on in our FE team sprint planning is aligned with company objectives. The OKR sheet is still a work in progress but we feel it is a good start for creating alignment.

Do Better

  • Better metrics

Moving forward, the FE team will be presenting the OKR metrics on a regular basis in our company all-hands. This means we'll have to polish our OKRs and make sure we have proper metrics that we can show.

Action Item

  • Polish OKR metrics and keep it updated

I will be working with each initiative owner to polish the metrics and keep it updated. Every week, we will try our best to have a strong rigor in tracking progress and red/yellow/green status of the goals, and ensuring that everything that is yellow/red has a diagnosis and fix.